Safer, faster, more reliable digital commerce

Safer, faster, more reliable digital commerce

The extensive toolkit and expert retail knowledge provided by PlatformTick is designed to give your business the ultimate edge.

The extensive toolkit and expert retail knowledge provided by PlatformTick is designed to give your business the ultimate edge.

Increase conversion rates

Provide a better user experience

Grow online revenue


Build your successful digital future with our unique product suite


Safer, faster, more reliable digital commerce


Grow your team using our team - fast, talented, ready


Full service, expert digital consultancy


Vendor, tech, agency selection support


End-to-end service and capability review

The future of commerce is open, accessible, and competitive. We're obsessed with making that future better. Your business and people need the right tools and technology to get your products in front of customers. That's what makes us tick.

The future of commerce is open, accessible, and competitive. We're obsessed with making that future better. Your business and people need the right tools and technology to get your products in front of customers. That's what makes us tick.

The future of commerce is open, accessible, and competitive. We're obsessed with making that future better. Your business and people need the right tools and technology to get your products in front of customers. That's what makes us tick.

The future of commerce is open, accessible, and competitive. We're obsessed with making that future better. Your business and people need the right tools and technology to get your products in front of customers. That's what makes us tick.

Not everything has to be hard work. PlatformTick can help simplify complexity.

Not everything has to be hard work. PlatformTick can help simplify complexity.


Deliver a faster website performance

Significantly improve on your present loading speeds, providing your customers with quicker website interactions, making them happier and more likely to convert.

HIGHER Core Web Vitals

Focus on improving what matters

Core Web Vitals and Lighthouse scores are critical metrics to better organic search engine performance, utilised as key ranking signals across Google.

Improved reliability

Maintain better uptime stability

A down website is a failing website. Achieve higher rates of always on performance and shorten time to recover through better infrastructure and network resilience.

Your trusted partner in digital commerce technology

We've got exceptional…




Accelerating your growth and success with us

Trust is essential in nurturing customer loyalty, particularly in an era brimming with options. Consequently, upgrading your digital commerce platform might thrust you ahead of your competitors.

Our array of services is engineered to elevate your business by providing a superior online journey via quicker webpage loading and reliable website operations.

It's what makes us tick

The future of commerce is open, accessible, and competitive. We're obsessed with making that future better. Businesses and people need the right tools and technology to get their products in front of customers.